
WecurrentlydonotofferalicensetouseGoogleEarthimagerywithoutattribution.Ifyou'dbeinterestedinthis,orothercommercialapplications,youcan ...,HiLiveUA,IbelievethatGoogleisokaywithyourusingthe3DvideocompositesinyourYouTubevideos....Buttherulesareveryslipperyoncommercialuse.I ...,CanIuseEarthStudioforcommercialapplications?WecurrentlydonotofferalicensetouseGoogleEarthimageryforcommercialapplications...


We currently do not offer a license to use Google Earth imagery without attribution. If you'd be interested in this, or other commercial applications, you can ...

Can Earth Studio images be used in YouTube videos?

Hi Live UA, I believe that Google is okay with your using the 3D video composites in your YouTube videos. ... But the rules are very slippery on commercial use. I ...


Can I use Earth Studio for commercial applications? We currently do not offer a license to use Google Earth imagery for commercial applications. This ...

Google earth studio commercial license

2023年12月14日 — Yes, I would like to use it to present the new buildings made by the company on the company's presentation website for Marketing purposes,.

Google Earth studio dans un film commercial?

2019年4月10日 — Can I use Earth Studio for commercial applications? We currently do not offer a license to use Google Earth imagery for commercial applications.

Google Maps, Google Earth, and Street View

Google Earth or Earth Studio can be used for purposes such as research, education, film and nonprofit use without needing permission. All content created from Google Earth or Earth Studio must always be properly attributed. Google Earth content may not be

Is there software a bit like Google Earthstudio but ...

2022年4月30日 — There's Google Earth studio that's more designed for video but that's also not designed to be used commercially and not really released ...


These guidelines are for non-commercial use, except for the limited use cases described below. If you want to use Google Maps, Google Earth, or Street View for ...

Use in YouTube Monetized Videos

2019年12月31日 — offer a license to use Google Earth imagery for commercial applications. This includes using Earth Studio content without attribution.

Which maps service do you use for commercial video?

2022年10月9日 — Google does not allow commercial use of earth studio.